Sunday, March 29, 2009

Plumbline with Praetzel

Week 12

Jerry Praetzel came to town for our 12th week and blessed us with his presence. This week was all about forgiveness and healing from our past. Every student was anxiously waiting for this week, because it is one of the known best weeks in DTS.

No one really likes Mondays, but when they start off worshiping God nothing could be better. Following worship was a bible meditation on Exodus 15:1-18. In class Jerry explained why they call this week plumbline and what it is. He also spoke on how rejection leads to a reaction and in most cases the reaction is rebellious.

Tuesday the students went on a prayer walk and then worship was after that. In class Jerry spoke on forgiveness and said, “Forgiveness means that the offender will no longer pay a price for what they have done to me and the battle in my heart is over. He also explained how important it is to us personally and the spiritual realm to forgive. Then some students went in front of the class and corporately forgave people that hurt them in the past.

Wednesday was also a day of forgiveness and healing. First, in the morning there was a quiet time with God and then discussed our schedule for our outreach in San Francisco. After that was over class started, but there was no lecture. More students went up in front of the class and forgave people of their past. Some leaders and Jerry got encouraging words or visions from God. Then for the rest of the day the students went about there own ministries.

Thursday morning there was a time for encouragement and prayer among the students. Right afterwards class got started early, so students could continue to forgive the people of their past. Then in class Jerry spoke on humility and said, “Humility is being known for who you truly are.” He brought up the topic of shame and how we should never be ashamed of our sins, just repentant. When people normally feel ashamed they condemn themselves and God doesn’t want that. Jerry then told us to spend time with God and ask him if there is anything we are ashamed of and bring it to the light, so we can be healed.

Right away Friday morning we prayed for each other and then class got started. The students all went up in front of the class and confessed their deepest shame. Then they prayed for God to forgive them. After class there was small groups and hot chocolate ministry at night.


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