Friday, March 13, 2009

Justice League!

Week 10

Our YWAM base has a justice league and it is called Because Justice Matters. Ruthie Kim, founded that ministry, and is our speaker for the week. It is so much fun to listen to her British accent and yes she is from England! She is pregnant, so if you could pray for the baby’s health that would be really appreciated. This week our main theme for the week was justice and some on hearing God’s voice.

Monday got rolling along with worship and bible meditation from 1 John 3. First in class our lovely speaker gave the students more information on her ministry Because Justice Matters and they focus on human trafficking, domestic violence, immigrant discrimination and economic inequality. Then we went over what justice is and injustice. That afternoon in class we learned about human trafficking and how relevant it is in our world today.

Tuesday morning we had the blessing to do an hour long prayer walk and the get into some intense time of worship. Then intercession started and we interceded for one randomly picked person in the group. That night we had a really ruff lecture, because it was on domestic violence and with some of the students it really hit close to home. Please pray for the students and their minds that God will protect them from the devils lies. It was an amazing lecture! Ruthie taught us about how to help someone being abused, different types of abuse and signs of an abusive relationship. There was also a discussion on immigrants about why they leave their country and what happens to them after they leave.

Wednesday, there was a staff meeting and an important YWAM director came to speak, after we started learning Italian and had our quiet times with God! Then it was back in the classroom for the students and we learned about hearing God’s voice. Ruthie went over different ways of hearing God’s voice and backed them up with scripture like through creation, dreams, visions, prophetic words, the arts, circumstances, angels and his audible voice. Then after class the students went to their ministries that are Life Group a homeless bible study ministry, evangelism, university and women’s ministry.

Thursday was a lovely sunny day and some students decided to take advantage of good weather, so they got out of the base. In the morning we interceded for China and then had bible meditation on John 17:20-26. Afterwards the students worked on different outreach projects. Later in the afternoon there was the food pantry again! That night we had another night class and had a reflection night on what gifts God gave us to react on injustice.

Friday came finally after an intense week of learning about the injustice happening in the world. That morning we had a 2 hour quiet time with God! Then in class Ruthie gave us different ways to raise money, volunteer and make people aware about injustices. All the students after class had small groups in the afternoon. Many students left the base for the weekend, because we have an off weekend!


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