Sunday, March 29, 2009

Plumbline with Praetzel

Week 12

Jerry Praetzel came to town for our 12th week and blessed us with his presence. This week was all about forgiveness and healing from our past. Every student was anxiously waiting for this week, because it is one of the known best weeks in DTS.

No one really likes Mondays, but when they start off worshiping God nothing could be better. Following worship was a bible meditation on Exodus 15:1-18. In class Jerry explained why they call this week plumbline and what it is. He also spoke on how rejection leads to a reaction and in most cases the reaction is rebellious.

Tuesday the students went on a prayer walk and then worship was after that. In class Jerry spoke on forgiveness and said, “Forgiveness means that the offender will no longer pay a price for what they have done to me and the battle in my heart is over. He also explained how important it is to us personally and the spiritual realm to forgive. Then some students went in front of the class and corporately forgave people that hurt them in the past.

Wednesday was also a day of forgiveness and healing. First, in the morning there was a quiet time with God and then discussed our schedule for our outreach in San Francisco. After that was over class started, but there was no lecture. More students went up in front of the class and forgave people of their past. Some leaders and Jerry got encouraging words or visions from God. Then for the rest of the day the students went about there own ministries.

Thursday morning there was a time for encouragement and prayer among the students. Right afterwards class got started early, so students could continue to forgive the people of their past. Then in class Jerry spoke on humility and said, “Humility is being known for who you truly are.” He brought up the topic of shame and how we should never be ashamed of our sins, just repentant. When people normally feel ashamed they condemn themselves and God doesn’t want that. Jerry then told us to spend time with God and ask him if there is anything we are ashamed of and bring it to the light, so we can be healed.

Right away Friday morning we prayed for each other and then class got started. The students all went up in front of the class and confessed their deepest shame. Then they prayed for God to forgive them. After class there was small groups and hot chocolate ministry at night.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Criss the Cross


The 11th week is here and I’m proud to say that Peter Ilyn is here to speak. This week’s theme is the cross and Peter explains it beautifully. He is the best story teller and has the most epic tales!

Monday is always exciting, because that is the first time the students ever encounter their speaker for the week. First we had worship with the staff and afterwards did a Bible meditation on 1 Corinthians 13. Then in lecture Peter told us his family’s story about how faithful God is.

Tuesday comes along and an early morning prayer walk awaits us. It was followed by intersession for DTS financially and soon after class started. In class Peter talked about Gods way vs. our way. That night there was intercession on the homeless ministry and we prayed over certain individuals that come into our storefront.

Wednesday morning we had a two hour quiet time with God. Then there was class and Peter started teaching us about the cross. Dealing with the cross he talked about Old Testament sacrifices, different types of biblical justice, sin and death. After each student dispersed to their own ministry and enjoyed their day!

Thursday when we met up there was intercession for China again and also Pakistan. While in intercession we had worship and praised God. In class we tackled knowing your enemy and that God is always right. It is crucial for Christians to know in tragedies that occur through our life that God is always with you and in the midst of our trials to be well in our souls. After lecture was over next came the infamous food pantry on Thursday mornings.

Friday in the morning we had discussion time within our whole DTS and the students opened up to each other by telling them what God has been speaking to them about. Right after we interceded for people back at home who are domestic violence victims. In lecture Peter talked about genuine repentance, excuses for not making restitution and confession. Then he discussed different types of sins and they are secret, public or private sins. Later in the afternoon the small groups met up and at night there was hot chocolate ministry.

P.S. Did I mention we went bowling?


Friday, March 13, 2009

Justice League!

Week 10

Our YWAM base has a justice league and it is called Because Justice Matters. Ruthie Kim, founded that ministry, and is our speaker for the week. It is so much fun to listen to her British accent and yes she is from England! She is pregnant, so if you could pray for the baby’s health that would be really appreciated. This week our main theme for the week was justice and some on hearing God’s voice.

Monday got rolling along with worship and bible meditation from 1 John 3. First in class our lovely speaker gave the students more information on her ministry Because Justice Matters and they focus on human trafficking, domestic violence, immigrant discrimination and economic inequality. Then we went over what justice is and injustice. That afternoon in class we learned about human trafficking and how relevant it is in our world today.

Tuesday morning we had the blessing to do an hour long prayer walk and the get into some intense time of worship. Then intercession started and we interceded for one randomly picked person in the group. That night we had a really ruff lecture, because it was on domestic violence and with some of the students it really hit close to home. Please pray for the students and their minds that God will protect them from the devils lies. It was an amazing lecture! Ruthie taught us about how to help someone being abused, different types of abuse and signs of an abusive relationship. There was also a discussion on immigrants about why they leave their country and what happens to them after they leave.

Wednesday, there was a staff meeting and an important YWAM director came to speak, after we started learning Italian and had our quiet times with God! Then it was back in the classroom for the students and we learned about hearing God’s voice. Ruthie went over different ways of hearing God’s voice and backed them up with scripture like through creation, dreams, visions, prophetic words, the arts, circumstances, angels and his audible voice. Then after class the students went to their ministries that are Life Group a homeless bible study ministry, evangelism, university and women’s ministry.

Thursday was a lovely sunny day and some students decided to take advantage of good weather, so they got out of the base. In the morning we interceded for China and then had bible meditation on John 17:20-26. Afterwards the students worked on different outreach projects. Later in the afternoon there was the food pantry again! That night we had another night class and had a reflection night on what gifts God gave us to react on injustice.

Friday came finally after an intense week of learning about the injustice happening in the world. That morning we had a 2 hour quiet time with God! Then in class Ruthie gave us different ways to raise money, volunteer and make people aware about injustices. All the students after class had small groups in the afternoon. Many students left the base for the weekend, because we have an off weekend!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bible Study

Week 9

The day has come when Art Collins is the speaker for the week! The theme for the week is how to have proper bible study. All the students have heard stories about him and how amazing he is, so we have been anxiously waiting for this week. He showers us with love by talking to us, comforting, taking us out to dinner and buying us donuts.

Monday morning there was the typical worship with staff and bible meditation. Art taught us about different translations and what’s the difference between them. Then he went over why we should study, how it is necessary, the word is trust worthy and to be open to the word.

Tuesday, there was an hour lecture on making the big decisions in life by the Tim Svoboda, international director of urban missions of the bay area and is also the base director at the YWAM San Francisco. After there was worship and then lecture started. Art talked about the different basic conditions of the heart that you need to have as you read the Bible and they are a new, hungry, obedient, disciplined and a teachable heart. Then at night we had intercession for the country of France. In France there is a .08% of the population of France is Christian and 95% of people have never seen a bible. There was a lot of prayer for the church, people and YWAM bases located in France.

Wednesday got started off with quiet time with God and then there was a discussion on leadership positions for outreach. Then in class Art talked about basic tools we need to have a bible study and how to have one. Later the students broke off into their different ministries, Evangelism, University, Homeless and Women’s Ministry. People’s lives have been getting touched by our ministries. We are finally seeing the fruits of our labor!

Thursday, was a crucial day in history! In San Francisco at the Civic Center there was a huge protest, because the courts are going to review prop 8 again. Therefore, that morning we had intercession there, but were broken up into twos and prayed. It was sad to Christians misrepresent Christ and his love by condemning them. The only example homosexuals have of Christians are crazy mean judgmental people. In class on Thursday day we continued talking how to have an awesome Bible study. Art taught us general principles of interpretations. Luckily, we got to do the food pantry this week! Later at night Art Collins is taking our whole DTS out to In n Out.

Friday, in the morning we had our discussion groups and then intercession for the Tenderloin District. In intercession we broke off into different groups and prayed on the four corners of the Tenderloin District, because recently there has been a lot more violence than normal. Then in class Art taught us how to use the synthetic approach to study the Bible. In the afternoon we had small groups and at night the hot chocolate ministry.

Saturday was a very relaxed and stress relieving day! In the morning some students joined a ministry called Because Justice Matters and spread awareness on human trafficking. Then at noon we went to Golden Gate Park and we had a reflecting day. Most students spent a good 3 hours alone with God.

Have a Good Week!



Sunday, March 1, 2009

Everything and Anything!

Week 8

This week has been crazy and fun! Each day there was a different speaker or activities and all together amazing. This week’s speakers were Tom Petty, Carol Svaboda, Steve Binnquist, Grame, and Steven Goode. There was no theme for this week,

On Monday there was as usual worship in the morning and then bible meditation on Colossians 3:1 and Revelation 22:16. After Tom Petty came and spoke about relational evangelism dealing with market ministries. Tom owns a diner in India called Sparky’s Diner. Then for afternoon lecture Steve Binnquist, our leader, spoke about worship. It went over four different questions: Who do we worship? Why do we worship? How do we worship? Why am I not willing to worship?

Tuesday, it was our lovely Allie Mickey’s 19th Birthday. Happy Birthday Allie! In the early morning there was worship again and our DTS leader really felt like God wanted us to discuss why we love him; therefore, most of the students really expressed and their love for God. Next on our schedule we normally do a prayer walk, but God told our leader that he just wanted the students to focus on how glorious and holy he is. After we focused our hearts on God our lecture with Carol Svaboda started. She did a wonderful job explaining the fear of the Lord we should have.
Carol stated, “God created our fear for Him to have intimacy with us.” Later that night there was intercession on a ministry at our YWAM base called Wildfire and also for Allie! Wildfire ministry works helps men and women who are addicted to heroin, crack, etc. to realize that they are valuable human beings through creating art. By creating art and doing projects they start seeing that they are valuable and Wildfire shows them that God values them! It’s a new ministry up here so please pray for it! They really want a building for it, so it can be a place of refuge for the men.

Wednesday morning Tom Petty spoke again, but this time our DTS team was with the staff. Then we went out to Delores Park in the Mission District and focused on scriptures on God’s holiness and how to be holy. Then we talked about what we meditated on and what hit home for us. Another reason we went to the park was to spend time together and create unity within the students. Later the students went off to their different ministries.
Thursday, the first thing we did was intercession. We interceded for the Financial District, Nob Hill and the Civic Center. There was prayer for those areas and that YWAM could reach out to those different areas. After there was bible meditation on being righteous and how God is righteous. We actually didn’t have class, but we had a family meeting! It was a time to get things of our chests and to express ourselves.

Friday came really fast with our insane mixed up week. We started off with a discussion group about relationships and then had intercession. That time of intercession was a personal time with God. Each student asked God how they should learn to put others before themselves and if they have an issue with someone how could they overcome it. It was a time to listen to God about how we should treat
others in different relationships. Friday we had a new speaker and his name is Stephen Goode! He spoke about listening and having a voice for the voiceless. Then in the afternoon it was time for small groups! At night there was hot chocolate ministry and students that go to a Cumberland Church, a Chinese church, joined them for fellowship.
Saturday we helped out at a church called Protestant. The students were put to their test with physical strength and endurance. Later that night two students, Eva and Jaylon, saw a woman commit suicide by jumping out of her window. Please be praying for the family of the girl who committed suicide and for the students.

Meet Ryan Jongeward!

This classy, but not so classy fellow is from Yakima, Washington. He is famous for being sarcastic and one day he will get a major in the science of being sarcastic. His favorite things to say is “your mom” or “I do what I want.” Ryan has a deep love and passion for coffee. Fun Facts: He hates sticky things.

Introducing the author of the blogs…Holly Geber!

I am from Huntington Beach, California and no I don’t surf. Out of everyone I am the loud laugher in the group and you can here me from miles away. Not only do I laugh loud, but I laugh at everything. Snuggling up to a good video game or book always sounds good to me. Fun Fact: I think potato skins are nasty.

