Week 8

This week has been crazy and fun! Each day there was a different speaker or activities and all together amazing. This week’s speakers were Tom Petty, Carol Svaboda, Steve Binnquist, Grame, and Steven Goode. There was no theme for this week,

On Monday there was as usual worship in the morning and then bible meditation on Colossians 3:1 and Revelation 22:16. After Tom Petty came and spoke about relational evangelism dealing with market ministries. Tom owns a diner in India called Sparky’s Diner. Then for afternoon lecture Steve Binnquist, our leader, spoke about worship. It went over four different questions: Who do we worship? Why do we worship? How do we worship? Why am I not willing to worship?

Tuesday, it was our lovely Allie Mickey’s 19th Birthday. Happy Birthday Allie! In the early morning there was worship again and our DTS leader really felt like God wanted us to discuss why we love him; therefore, most of the students really expressed and their love for God. Next on our schedule we normally do a prayer walk, but God told our leader that he just wanted the students to focus on how glorious and holy he is. After we focused our hearts on God our lecture with Carol Svaboda started. She did a wonderful job explaining the fear of the Lord we should have.

Carol stated, “God created our fear for Him to have intimacy with us.” Later that night there was intercession on a ministry at our YWAM base called Wildfire and also for Allie! Wildfire ministry works helps men and women who are addicted to heroin, crack, etc. to realize that they are valuable human beings through creating art. By creating art and doing projects they start seeing that they are valuable and Wildfire shows them that God values them! It’s a new ministry up here so please pray for it! They really want a building for it, so it can be a place of refuge for the men.

Wednesday morning Tom Petty spoke again, but this time our DTS team was with the staff. Then we went out to Delores Park in the Mission District and focused on scriptures on God’s holiness and how to be holy. Then we talked about what we meditated on and what hit home for us. Another reason we went to the park was to spend time together and create unity within the students. Later the students went off to their different ministries.

Thursday, the first thing we did was intercession. We interceded for the Financial District, Nob Hill and the Civic Center. There was prayer for those areas and that YWAM could reach out to those different areas. After there was bible meditation on being righteous and how God is righteous. We actually didn’t have class, but we had a family meeting! It was a time to get things of our chests and to express ourselves.

Friday came really fast with our insane mixed up week. We started off with a discussion group about relationships and then had intercession. That time of intercession was a personal time with God. Each student asked God how they should learn to put others before themselves and if they have an issue with someone how could they overcome it. It was a time to listen to God about how we should treat

others in different relationships. Friday we had a new speaker and his name is Stephen Goode! He spoke about listening and having a voice for the voiceless. Then in the afternoon it was time for small groups! At night there was hot chocolate ministry and students that go to a Cumberland Church, a Chinese church, joined them for fellowship.
Saturday we helped out at a church called Protestant. The students were put to their test with physical strength and endurance.

Later that night two students, Eva and Jaylon, saw a woman commit suicide by jumping out of her window. Please be praying for the family of the girl who committed suicide and for the students.
Meet Ryan Jongeward!

This classy, but not so classy fellow is from Yakima, Washington. He is famous for being sarcastic and one day he will get a major in the science of being sarcastic. His favorite things to say is “your mom” or “I do what I want.” Ryan has a deep love and passion for coffee. Fun Facts: He hates sticky things.
Introducing the author of the blogs…Holly Geber!

I am from Huntington Beach, California and no I don’t surf. Out of everyone I am the loud laugher in the group and you can here me from miles away. Not only do I laugh loud, but I laugh at everything. Snuggling up to a good video game or book always sounds good to me. Fun Fact: I think potato skins are nasty.