Sunday, February 8, 2009

Prepare To Be Disciplined!

Disciplining our Mind, Body and Souls.

The fabulous fifth week has been radical! The last thing we thought that we would love was to hear about being disciplined. Mark Scandrette, our speaker, was a blessing to have at our base. He made every meeting have some activity whether it was stretching, hugging each other or doing the hokey pokey!
Monday morning we dove right into worship and then bible meditation on John 14:6-7. After the morning routine Mark spoke on the disciplines of Jesus and our bodies.
Then he went over different ways we need to have physical self-control and the areas that we learned to regulate were sleep, eating, fasting, exercise, personal care, healthy sexuality, managing stress and Sabbath-keeping. Mark explained to us that if we didn’t stay on top of all those areas of our life it would affect our ministry/witnessing to other people.

Then on Tuesday we had morning worship again and then traveled to Mark’s house for lecture. He made us feel at home in his house by just being his loving generous self. That morning we traveled through the disciplines of the mind. Then Mark gave us different ways to spend time with God or to train our minds to be more Christ like, a couple examples were to sit in silence and solitude, breath prayer, gratitude, discipline of the eyes and asking God to examine our hearts and minds. Later at night we had intercession for purity, God transform us to be a selfless and caring generation. It ended up with us repenting to God for all the things that we idolize and put before him. Therefore, we all wrote on a piece what we wanted to give to God and threw it into a bucket. Then afterwards we confessed with everyone what we idolize so we can keep each other accountable in those areas in our life.

Wednesday, is always an exciting day, because we get 2 hours of alone time with God! Everyone practiced the new techniques we learned the day before with Mark. Then in class he went over how to be disciplined with time and money, which we all needed to hear! “Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity…” it says in Ephesians 5:15-16. Mark gave us this good scripture to think of when dealing with our time and money. Later we did our weekly ministries!
Thursday is one of my favorite days, because in the morning we have intercession with the staff. We interceded for Madagascar and the terror they are in. Then we had lectio divina on Psalm 150 and it was all about different ways to praise God. Therefore, the students did different expressions of praise whether it was through a poem, art, or song. Mark’s lecture came next and to start it off we did an interactive poem together. Then we learned about….. After lunch the food pantry was up and running.

Friday bright and early we kicked off the morning interceding for each other. This time we all picked numbers, so we didn’t know who we were interceding for. God totally spoke to everyone about the person they were interceding for and it was insane! Then we rapped up the morning with Mark’s last lecture about the Jesus Dojo, missional living. Later there were small groups and then the students were free to roam, because it is our first off weekend!!!

Meet Seng Jun Hong.

He is one hip dude from San Ramon, California. Seng Jun has been teaching some students the Korean language and culture. His wife makes the best Korean food and his kids are precious. Fun Fact: He is starting up his own YWAM in San Ramon!

Introducing Allie Mickey!

Allie is one cool cat from Oceanside, California. You can always count on Allie to make a funny face, sound or talk in weird voices, if you are feeling down just go hangout with Allie, because she will turn your frown upside down. Fun fact: Her real last name is not Mickey!



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