Sunday, January 18, 2009

Understanding God

Understanding God

Finally, week 2 has rolled along and the students are calling the YWAM base their home now. This past week our amazing speaker was John Bills, who spoke about the character and nature of God. Student’s eyes were opened to who God really is through John, with his fascinating personal experiences and through scripture.

On Monday it was Jaylon Young’s 21st Birthday! In lecture there was an introduction into the character and nature of God. We were taught that if we want to understand God’s character then we must read and study the Bible since it is one of the ways that He speaks directly to us. Then John spoke on how God is holy, trusting, immutable and merciful. Later in lecture John gave us some questions to ponder upon throughout our week and he asked, “For what motivations do you have to read the word?” and “Do I trust God?” Most students were convicted by just these two questions, but the pursuit of his character continued the next day. During our free time students took showers, naps or watched a movie called The Goonies at David Delahoz’s brother’s sweet crib.

Tuesday, the faithfulness and omnipresence of God consumed the whole lecture. John explained to the students that if we didn’t have absolute faith in God then how could we lead others to Christ? After discussing about our faith in God John talked about how God is faithful and then he said, “Christians sometimes take past bad experiences of abusive authority and think automatically God will do the same to them.” Later he tied in God’s omnipresence, which means he is present everywhere at the same time. Therefore, why would we ever think that God is not faithful if he is always with us! That night we had an intercession on our DTS trip and students. In that intercession God spoke through many students and leaders! There was a lot of repentance and many tears… it was exhausting but extremely necessary and beautiful!

Then on Wednesday, lecture got really personal with the students about the connection of God’s supreme authority and abusive authority in this world. John taught us how to confront those issues and heal ourselves from past experiences of authority. Many students had unresolved issues that got brought up to the table. After lecture each student got put in a one of four different ministries: Because Justice Matters (human trafficking)/women’s outreach, hangin’ with the homeless, hangin’ with the hippies, and going out to the university to create relationships with international students.

Thursday, the love and intimacy of how God desires a relationship with us was the hot topic of the day! The lesson explained on one reason God sent Jesus to this world and that was to show what a relationship with God and man was supposed to look like. Then after class we worked at the food pantry which was so much fun. The people that live in the Tenderloin come to the YWAM base every Thursday afternoon to get free groceries. Even though the food pantry started in the afternoon, a group of older Asian women started lining up at 9 in the morning, so by the time we opened up they had gotten pretty feisty! The DTS students would stand behind canned food, onions, potatoes, etc and tell them how much food they were allowed to take, but these some of the women wanted more and would try to take more than allowed. We had to be pretty aggressive and guard the food to keep from them taking more than their share.

Friday came along and it was John Bills last day with us. He was an awesome teacher that provoked us into deep thought, challenged us, and changed our walk with God. That day he decided that it should be a day of reflection. Therefore, each student shared what spoke most to them and asked any last questions for the speaker before he departed. Then that night it was the hot chocolate ministry where we give out hot chocolate at night and tell people about the love of God!

Meet Savanna Watkinson!

Savanna comes from Seattle, Washington and is the anonymous, but now not so anonymous photographer for my blogs! She is extremely talented and you can see that for yourself. Her passions are dancing, love and hippies! Fun fact: She has a twin and dreadlocks!

Introducing Linda Kinsky!

Little Linda decided to come down to San Francisco from Portland, Oregon. This sweet girl is known for her cute laugh that reminds us of a baby seal. Now when we call her we just say, “Bay-bay-bay!”! Linda soon will also be the other photographer for my blog. Fun Fact: Scared of

dump trucks!

Life is never boring in San Francisco!

There are many street performers ranging from opera singers to playing the Morin-Khur!

There are also many energetic protests that take place in Union Square.

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