Sadly we have come to the 13th week of lecture, because it is our last. All the students have been very eager to start outreach part, so it’s not to tragic. Tim Svoboda our YWAM bay area coordinator was out speaker this last week and the theme is urban missions.

Monday morning started off with a time of worship and bible meditation. Then in class Timothy gave us an overview of our week and a theme scripture for the week, Jeremiah 29:7. He then taught upon activity v. incarnational ministries. An activity ministry is when you go out and do things for people, but incarnational ministry is relational, being born into a service and there is an exchange not you

Tuesday bright and early the DTS again had morning worship. In lecture Tim taught about the theology of place and different instances where ministry was done in the city. Then Tim talked on 3 theological views of cities that people have. First, one mind set of the city is that it is evil, another is that the city is good and the last the city is strategic. That night there was intercession for Jun and Daniel, two DTS students, who had their birthdays the weekend before.

On Wednesday quiet time was first in the morning and then there was outreach prep. Soon class started and Timothy discussed the theology of place/going within the mission field. He then taught about how Jesus didn’t only have a going theology, but a place too. Timothy talked on decentralization with organizations and instead of only having one building in a city, but multiple ones. Then after class each student scurried off to their ministries.

Thursday there was a prayer walk throughout the Tenderloin and then bible meditation on Psalm 33. Then in class Tim talked about the differences between macro and mirco apostles. He also went over community development and mobilization. Afterwards there was the food pantry.

Friday morning got kicked off with our discussion groups and then intercession for tenderloin businesses and people we know who run them or are employed there. Timothy taught in lecture about 3 different kinds of transformational city ministries that were prayer/revival, collaboration/strategic planning and incarnational. Then he

Good Bye Lecture Phase!